Land of the Lost (Valerie Harper) TV Series: City
All images from CityGal on AngelfireA few years ago I received an invitation in the mail to be part of a TV focus group event that was taking place at a local hotel. We were told that the group wanted...
View ArticleThe Valerie Harper Blog-A-Thon: How Rhoda Got the Rhoda Look
The Valerie Harper Blog-A-Thon that Amanda at MadeForTVMayhem organized still marches on, and it's been wonderful seeing all of the love this week for one of our favorite TV ladies. I've had so much...
View ArticleAre You Being Served? Mr. Selfridge to Premiere on PBS
Photo via The Jane Austin Film ClubShould I be ashamed that I had never heard of one of England's most prominent department stores, Selfridges, until PBS started promoting the premiere of the series...
View ArticleSeeking the Great Go Retro Scoop
Photo credit: Mathieu MeunierI know this blog has been quiet of late…and it's going to be even quieter as I'm leaving for Washington D.C. on Thursday for a mini-vacation and to see the cherry blossoms...
View ArticleSaxy Songs of the 80s
It must be the toughest gig these days to be a saxophone-playing session musician--you just don't hear them anymore in most mainstream music. One recent exception is Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory" which...
View ArticleThe Milkman Cometh
Image via Antique Automobile Club of America forumsThe milkman: for those of us born after a certain time in America, we never got a visit from fresh, cold milk waiting for us in glass bottles...
View ArticleWhen Hawkeye Hawked Computers
Image via MamecadeA computer/technology pioneer and the cast of a sitcom that never showed a single PC on the set during their run…a match made in advertising heaven!According to an old L.A. Times...
View ArticleA Song's Story #1: Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)
Today I'm launching a new post theme for Go Retro: A Song's Story. We'll take a look at some songs from music history that have an interesting history behind them. The reason for my first choice, "Bang...
View ArticleGentlemen, Drop Your Razors: Rocking Retro Beards
Up until not long ago, I long detested beards on men (well...and on women, too. Ha.) I can't even explain why--I just thought guys looked sexier and more professional when clean shaven, with nothing...
View ArticleWhatever Happened to...Customer Service?
Image via bayswater97 flickrI'm sure that the lack of good customer service in today's society is something that everyone can relate to. I've held off on ranting about it for so long because I used to...
View ArticleHappy Birthday, Cher!
Cher turns 67 today, and to help celebrate the folks at Can't Miss TV invited me to post this groovy infographic showing the history of Cher's career. I'll always remember Cher's impressive movie...
View ArticleA Song's Story #2: Suicide is Painless
Through early morning fog I see visions of the things to be the pains that are withheld for me I realize and I can see...That suicide is painless It brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if...
View ArticlePhil Collins: Terrible Or Terrific?
Photo vis ThinkNicePhil Collins seems to be a pop culture conundrum to me--in the grand scheme of music history, is he terrible...or terrific? It's a question I've struggled with ever since the 1980s,...
View ArticleShabby Apple Summer/Go Retro Giveaway!
It wasn't long ago that I was thinking about posting a new giveaway on Go Retro. Luckily, the universe delivered my manifestation when the owner of Shabby Applereached out to me with a giveaway offer...
View ArticleJohn Ritter's Nutty Wardrobe Malfunction
A lot of folks who grew up on 70s and 80s television often mention the infamous "Monroe Rape" episode of Too Close for Comfort, but I wonder how many people know that Jack Tripper once unintentionally...
View ArticleAnd the Winner of the Shabby Apple Giveaway Is...
Tabathia! Congratulations and I'll be sending you an email with info on how to claim your dress. Thanks to everyone who entered and I hope to hold another giveaway soon.
View ArticleMonty Python's Safe Sex Tips
I know this blog has been rather quiet lately--maybe dead is the proper term. I'm working on a few posts that are taking longer than I thought to complete. In the meantime, here's something short and...
View ArticleSplatter Platters: A Look at Teenage Tragedy Songs
You would think that in 1950s Americana, teenagers were a happy lot. They had drive-in movie theaters, rock and roll, their dad's Oldsmobile, and Clearasil. Yet the post-WWII era was responsible for...
View ArticleMovie Reviews: Them! (1954)
"When man entered the atomic age, he opened the door to a new world. What we may eventually find in that new world, no one can predict." - Dr. Medford in Them!Them! is an awesome movie and I loved...
View ArticleInspector Clouseau Has the Right Idea
Man, it's been hot! It's days like this that remind of something my parents used to say...that nudists have the right idea! And that statement always makes me think of the 1964 Peter Sellers movie A...
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