Lord & Taylor Christmas Catalog, Circa 1941
A lot of retro blogs--and Go Retro is no exception to this--occasionally like to poke fun at the more kitschy fashions and home items of decades past. But very often, I come across something that's so...
View ArticleRetro Ornament: How to Make a Polish Porcupine
I wanted to take a break from the pop culture reminiscing to share a retro Christmas craft with you all. These are called Polish porcupines. We've been making them in my family before I was born. The...
View ArticleDeodorant Ads: The Shame of Body Stench
Body odor. It's a scourge that has plagued humankind since the dawn of time, wrecking havoc on one's social life. And that's just the angle that advertisers used to shame people into practicing better...
View ArticleForgotten Teen Idols: The Williams Brothers
Image via MainStreetMallOnlineLong before the world had heard of Justin Bieber and One Direction, there were Andy and David Williams--nephews of the late Andy Williams (by the way, it's hard to believe...
View ArticleMickey Mouse and Sex Ed: The Story of Menstruation
If I told you that a Disney-produced film was responsible for the first on-screen mention of the word vagina, would you believe me? Well believe it, folks--and file that tidbit away in your noggin in...
View ArticleTragedy
I'm taking a break from the retro posts today to say a few words about the horrific news yesterday, which I'm sure has been weighing heavily on everyone's mind. The incident made me think back to when...
View ArticleThe Forgotten Allure of Fur
Genuine fur clothing has become so taboo during the past 15 years or so that I don't remember the last time I saw an ad for a fur coat. Very few people today, it seems, dare to wear real fur. Each time...
View ArticleThe Most Annoying Christmas Song
Is it "Dominick the Christmas Donkey"? The Chipmunks' "Christmas Don't Be Late"?No. For me, the song that's become the yuletide equivalent of a dentist's drill is "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"...
View ArticleThe End of the Christmas Classic
Image from SavvySugarNothing beats the old Christmas movies, songs and TV specials of the 20th century--it's as simple as that. When you really think about it, nothing that has been released in the...
View ArticleSeasons Greetings, Go Retro Fans
Image via Cozy Home ChroniclesWell, another Christmas and end of year is upon us once again. Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who reads this blog, who follows the Facebook page, my...
View Article(Non) Movie Review: Teenage Mother (1967)
It's the holiday season and naturally, that makes me think of teenage pregnancy. You know, Baby New Year? Well anyway, I came across the trailer for this movie the other day on YouTube and it sounded...
View ArticleMisunderstood Milky
Image vis PlaidStallions.comA nostalgia-themed Facebook page that I follow posted a picture of Milky the Marvelous Milking Cow by Kenner the other day, accompanied by this observation: "I think I had...
View ArticleWasted Makeovers
I could be wrong, but I believe that beauty makeovers started to appear in women's magazines in the 70s. It's a sad conundrum, however, that due to the styles of the times, the woman didn't necessarily...
View ArticleTwo Forgotten Friday Favorites: Patti Page
Photo via Wikimedia and Salon.comPatti Page, who passed away this week, was responsible for what I consider one of the most depressing songs ever recorded, "Tennessee Waltz." It's sung by a woman whose...
View ArticleMovie Review: The Shout (1978)
I had wanted to review The Shout back around Halloween time, but just couldn't manage to squeeze in it. However, despite the fact that it's technically classified as an arthouse horror flick, I really...
View ArticleBad Cover Art of the Day: Swedish Bands...Or, Not Everyone Can Be ABBA
Admittedly, there's nothing very original about this post--foreign album cover art has been featured and poked fun at on several retro themed blogs. And the selection I gleamed comes from a new...
View ArticleThe Anti-McMansion
I've never been a fan of "McMansion" houses. They have spread across this country like a plague and have taken away from the unique architectural style of certain regional areas. For example, where I...
View ArticleRetro Product Fail #11: A Tale of Two TV-Themed Restaurants
All images via MewDeep on FlickrI think most folks know that Tonight Show host Johnny Carson had a successful clothing line at one point, but did you know he had a restaurant chain as well, called...
View ArticleGetting Wiggy With It
I never believed my mother and sisters telling me that wearing wigs just because you could was a common trend during the 60s and 70s until I saw the vintage ads to prove it. I still have a hard time...
View ArticleGo Retro's Retro Hottie of the Month: Christoph Waltz
Photo via Oblige me tumblrLast weekend I saw Django Unchained in the movie theater; a few weeks ago I watched Inglorious Basterds on cable. Now I'm in love and it's all Christoph Waltz's fault. For too...
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