For everyone that receives Go Retro in their email via the feed, I want to apologize for the multiple test posts that went out earlier today. My snazzy new blog template that I love so dearly didn't agree with the "1976: My First Year of Music" post; something in it (the lead photo or the YouTube videos or something) was causing the entire post to display on the home page sans the title and comments section. The issue didn't seem to be affecting the test posts, so I had to just take the music one down completely and will repost it at a later date. In the meantime, to make up for it, here's a collection of vintage auto parts ads featuring beautiful women...because everyone knows nothing sells shock absorbers like a lady wearing a bikini, hot pants, go-go boots...or delightful double entendres.
And in case you missed Part 1 of this post from a few months ago, you can view it here. Now on to Part 2!
"They tell me it's because Rally contains Carnauba, the hardest natural wax in the world. That's a little technical for me..." Watch it there, Rally. OK, the ad is for a wax and not an actual car part, but how could I not include it?
The Eagles sang about peaceful, easy feelings...ROH extolled the virtues of wide wheelin' feelings.
It isn't what you think (that Caltex doubles as a tanning oil)....the copy at the end is implying your car will run so great with Caltex, you can drive it to the very best beaches! Eh, I don't know about you, but it just seems like a lame excuse to put a good looking blonde wearing a bikini in your ad.
Just an excuse to put a girl wearing silver go go boots and a mini dress in your ad.
Someone better tell that blonde that Kandy Apple is for coating cars, not apples (as a blonde myself, I can get away with dumb blonde jokes.)
The grammar Nazi came out in me when I saw this ad. Shouldn't that headline read, "ESSO announces their new range..."?
For some reason, this ad reminded me of The Benny Hill Show. Are we sure those models aren't the Hills Angels?
This ad starts off pretty empowering for the time -- it was encouraging women to learn how to change the air filter in their car themselves, because you could save a whopping $2! Unfortunately, Lee slipped a bit into sexism with this copy: "Want to save even more money? Try changing your oil filer. Better yet, have your guy do it." Uh...well, at least they didn't use a blonde model in the ad.
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.
What a way to sell gauges, of all auto parts. With lots of leg.
Absolutely atrocious hairstyle -- but I'm including it because I've never heard of colored seat belts to match your car before.
Now we're getting interesting. There's no subliminal sexual imagery in this ad, no siree.
Either she shrunk, or the shock absorbers are for the Jolly Green Giant's car.
These Australian car part advertisers weren't exactly shy, were they?
Special deal on the "big set" t-shirt at the bottom. Not suitable for small chested women.
And...I think I'm going to end this right here. Yeah.