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I'm Your Vehicle, Baby: 10 Sexy Songs About Cars/Driving

It's now mid-November, so the last thing any of us in my part of the country would be doing right now is going for a drive with the top down or the sunroof open. However, I was thinking lately about how many songs have been written about cars and driving...and more specifically, sexy songs. It's pretty easy for cars to inspire lyrics about making out...or doing more...in the back seat with your honey. Here's ten sexy songs from the past few decades that sing of driving and/or automobiles guaranteed to get your engine running.

1. "Vehicle," Ides of March (1970)

Very awesome horn-driven song; makes me think of Steve McQueen -- not in a black sedan of course, but in his green Mustang. Or just some sexy guy who's got it going on. This song has been performed by Tom Jones on his TV variety show, but another great live cover version was done by my favorite Rat Packer, Sammy Davis Jr. But can anyone explain to me why having "pictures" would turn a woman on? Pictures of what? The candy I get. 

2. "Back Seat of My Car," Paul and Linda McCartney (1971)

An underrated McCartney composition from his Ram album. No one can sum up the meaning better than Paul himself, who told Billboard:

"'Back Seat of My Car' is the ultimate teenage song, and even though it was a long time since I was a teenager and had to go to a girl's dad and explain myself, it's that kind of meet-the-parents song. It's a good old driving song. [Sings] 'We can make it to Mexico City.' I've never driven to Mexico City, but it's imagination. And obviously "back seat" is snogging, making love."

3. "Radar Love," Golden Earring (1973)

Easily, I think, the sexiest song on this list. I loved that it was featured towards the end of an episode of The Blacklist a few weeks ago. It may be a little morbid -- the lyrics towards the end allude to a car crash "one more radar lover gone" although I'm not entirely convinced that's what happens. If you've ever felt a connection with someone and sensed them contacting you without or before you actually get the email message or phone call...well, my friend, you've experienced radar love ("we don't need no letter at all.")

4. "I'm In Love With My Car," Queen (1975)

I honestly would've preferred to hear this song sung by Freddie Mercury, but it was composed by Queen bandmate Roger Taylor, and was so near and dear to his heart that reportedly he locked himself in a cupboard until Mercury agreed to release it as a B-side to "Bohemian Rhapsody." It was inspired by one of the group's roadies, Jonathan Harris, who considered his Triumph TR4 the love of his life, but the suggestive lyrics definitely allude to something else. It isn't one of my favorite Queen songs by even a stretch, but because of Taylor's passion for it, it does deserve a mention. 

5. "Cruisin'," Smokey Robinson (1979)

Marvin Gaye wrote the lyrics to this breezy crooner and indeed, the song sounds like it was custom made for him, but Smokey Robinson did the honors. It's a little surprising that it was released on the cusp on the New Wave music movement; it easily sounds like a song that was written ten years earlier. 

Check out the moves on the mustached background dancer from the Soul Train performance above. Is he wearing a tie? 

6. "Little Red Corvette," Prince (1982)

Prince notoriously keeps a vice grip on the copyright usage of his compositions tighter than a nun's...well, I won't go there. As a result, there are virtually no video clips online of his actual recorded tracks, only covers. But I think I've found something even better here -- compilation footage of the Soul Train (yay; two Soul Train clips in one post) dancers getting down set to a cover of the song.

7. "The Chauffeur," Duran Duran (1982)

One of my favorite underrated DD songs, "The Chauffeur" is a surreal sounding song from the Rio album. It was based on a poem that Simon LeBon wrote before the band was formed and features a medieval sounding, flute-like instrument called an ocarina (played by LeBon.)

I can't show you the official music video on here as it contains nudity -- but you can easily find it on YouTube. 

8. "Pink Cadillac," Bruce Springsteen (1983)

Sigh....whatever happened to the Boss we all once knew? The one who sang about running around all night, hungry hearts, and making love in the dirt, not Tom Joad's ghost? Well anyways, back in the day when Springsteen wrote sexy songs he came up with "Pink Cadillac," wondering what the female owner does in the back seat of her pink automobile. Natalie Cole's cover sounds too cutesy and innocent compared to the Springsteen track, which features a pumping riff clearly inspired by Henry Mancini's theme to Peter Gunn

9. "Mercedes Boy," Pebbles (1987)

Total guilty pleasure from the '80s, and there's no way I could exclude it. Ever wonder what became of Pebbles? Well, she found religion in 1997 and now releases gospel records. We'll always have "Mercedes Boy" though. 

10. "Brand New Car," The Rolling Stones (1994)

I wish I had included this track for my list of 10 underrated Rolling Stones songs from earlier this year. This dirty ditty is jam packed with more double entendres than some of those naughty old blues song (like "Big Ten Inch" and "Sam the Hot Dog Man.") Maybe the older Queen tune was inspiring them. 

I mean, just listen to the lines:

Take her on the highway for a little spin // I want to see what kind of shape she's in // And I got a brand new star // Jack her up baby, go on, open the hood // I want to check if her oil smells good // Mmmm...smells like caviar...

Mick and Keith, you pervs. Not that I'm complaining.  

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