Channel: Go Retro!
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I'm Still Here!


So, Go Retro fell off the track again with the regular postings. Yes, I've been neglecting this site but not without a good reason...I've been making a bit of money the past few weeks via a freelance site. Not a lot, mind you, but enough that I'll be able to pay my car's excise tax next month without having to dip into my savings account to do so. 

Most of the money I've made so far has been from taking surveys (and believe me, I've contributed more than my fair share by now to academic research on topics that cover everything from black bean burgers to how I feel about the Supreme Court.) But some of the first-come, first-serve quick projects I've snatched up have been copywriting assignments that pay a few bucks. Long story short, I could either make around $15/day on the site with some detective work, or hope for $1/day in Google AdSense revenue here. You do the math. 

However, I'm now making the effort to put more time into Go Retro in the coming weeks. I'm halfway done with a post about a reader's 1970s house (trust me, it'll be worth the wait!) and I think it's high time that the blog got an updated banner--something much simpler but yet still cries retro. In the past few months I've been striving to make Go Retro look more like a real website and less like a blogspot blog. Something to think about.

So thanks for sticking around and just FYI, the blog's Facebook page has still been regularly updated! 

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