Channel: Go Retro!
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Absolutely Atrocious Craft Books From the 1970s


I know that most of you are fans of the 70s, right? The music, the movies, and the fashion. However, I have to draw the line at some of the hideous crafts that were popular during the era. I'm not talking about crocheted ponchos--those are high fashion compared to some of the book covers I found on Pinterest. It would be way too easy to fill this post with nothing but macrame books (I did include one because of its awful title.) Unfortunately, 70s crafts go beyond macrame in their terribleness. So brace yourself, and let's have a look at these doozies...

I'm getting a very uneasy feeling looking at these two. I'm afraid if we loiter any longer they're going to start putting on a show for us, so...best to keep scrolling.

Learn how to make penis shaped candles.

Yeah, don't throw it away. Make it even uglier to give away as gifts to unsuspecting relatives.

Note to parents: if your kid really needs a book to show them how to make a paper mustache you better be prepared for them to repeat a grade or two.

Pet rocks...probably the most pointless fad of the 1970s. I have no problem with people making these things, just as long as they don't start having LSD-induced conversations with them. I wonder how many high people jumped out of buildings because the pet rocks were telling them to do so?

Holy smokes, did the Duggars build this hot tub? There are waaaaay too many people crammed into such a small homemade jacuzzi. I hope this family didn't have franks and beans for lunch. More disturbingly...are all of them butt nekkid?

More rascals to keep you company during drug induced stupors. I'm actually a fan of owl related retro items, but these things are just creepy.

If this book is a "symphony" then pass the earplugs. 

I wrote a few years ago about pantyhose and pondered their decline in popularity...this book may have been one of the reasons. Now we know where old pantyhose goes to die. 

Michele Weal needlepointed a naked Adam in the Garden of Eden...I wonder how much texture she used?

Now half price when you also purchase the companion booklet, Jockstraps.

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