I'm very pleased to announce my participation in a special event taking place next week--a Valerie Harper Blog-A-Thon! From March 19th-22nd, several cool bloggers and myself will be posting all about the lovely lady who won our hearts over on 1970s and 1980s American television. A big shout-out and thank you go to Amanda from the awesome blog Made For TV Mayhem for putting together this blog-a-thon to celebrating the life and career of Valerie Harper. Want to know who else is participating? Here's the list--be sure to give these blogs and sites a visit!
Christmas TV History
Craftypants Carol (Not all posts suitable for office viewing!)
Daily Grindhouse
How Sweet it Was
Michael's TV Tray
Moon in the Gutter
My post will be going up on March 19, so stay tuned. Are you a blogger yourself who would like to participate? Just visit Made For TY Mayhem and leave a comment for Amanda with a link to your Valerie Harper post!
Christmas TV History
Craftypants Carol (Not all posts suitable for office viewing!)
Daily Grindhouse
How Sweet it Was
Michael's TV Tray
Moon in the Gutter
My post will be going up on March 19, so stay tuned. Are you a blogger yourself who would like to participate? Just visit Made For TY Mayhem and leave a comment for Amanda with a link to your Valerie Harper post!